When there is turmoil in your relationship, when love fades, or when you question your relationship’s future, couple therapy can help you progress and break through deadlocks.
CCCF psychologists offer couple therapy services for couples experiencing various difficulties: frequent conflicts, communication difficulties, distancing, sexual difficulties, infidelity, occasional difficulties associated with a life event, difficulties managing a reconstituted family, etc.
Although several couples consult with the aim of improving their relationship, several others start the process in order to take stock of their relationship and make a decision about its future. During the first few assessment sessions, partners are invited to share their wishes and expectations towards therapy.
Lors d’une démarche thérapeutique en couple, le ou la psychologue adopte une posture neutre et est à l'écoute des besoins et du vécu de chaque personne. Les partenaires sont amenés à comprendre puis modifier leur dynamique relationnelle, et à intégrer de nouvelles stratégies pour mieux gérer leurs difficultés. Avec l'aide du psychologue, les partenaires arrivent à cheminer vers une direction commune même si leurs visions et leurs besoins sont différents.
In a therapeutic process undertaken as a couple, the psychologist adopts a neutral posture and pays attention to the needs and experiences of each partner. The therapist helps the partners to understand and then modify their dynamics and integrate new strategies to better manage their difficulties. With the help of the psychologist, partners get to define a common direction even if their visions and needs often differ.