Individual therapy is useful when personal issues cause suffering and prevent you from flourishing as you would like. It is an investment in yourself and the starting point towards wellness that is within your reach.
CCCF psychologists provide individual psychotherapy services for adults and adolescents 16 years and older. A multitude of reasons can lead people to consult us: depressive feelings, anxiety, questioning associated with life stages, bereavement, professional difficulties, relational difficulties, etc. An individual therapy involves a process of change that aims to improve the psychological well-being of an individual. The psychologist acts as a guide in the process and leads people to better understand themselves and develop new tools to solve their difficulties or face challenges. Typically, the first two or three therapy sessions are for the assessment, during which the psychologist and client get to know each other and begin to build a trusting relationship that is essential to the smooth running of therapy. They then agree on an intervention plan that will guide the direction of therapy and enable the client to achieve their goals and improve their well-being.