Scientific Publications

Scientific research makes it possible to expand our knowledge and to develop best practices. CCCF clinic has actively contributed to research partnerships since 2002.

Developing the practice through research in couple therapy is part of CCCF clinic’s culture. Through a partnership with Dr. Katherine Péloquin, professor at the Université de Montréal and the CRIPCAS , studies carried out at the CCCF clinic allow psychologists to broaden their knowledge by using highly representative data, to further reflect on their practice, and to promote the clinic on the international scene in the field of couple therapy.

Research projects allow CCCF psychologists to offer their clients in couple therapy the option – there is no obligation - to complete a battery of relevant questionnaires chosen by clinicians. Data collected during the initial assessment and at various times during the follow-up allow psychologists to better understand the strengths and difficulties of their clients, while contributing to the advancement of knowledge in couple therapy.

Research findings in a few words:

Scientific articles:

Conference posters: